Show last authors
1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 #************************************************************************
3 * Compute and return the maximum authorized length for the full name.
4 ************************************************************************#
5 #macro(getLocalReferenceMaxLength)
6 #set ($localReferenceMaxLength = '255')
7 ## Available since XWiki 11.4RC1.
8 #if ($doc.localReferenceMaxLength)
9 #set ($localReferenceMaxLength = $doc.localReferenceMaxLength)
10 #end
11 ## The document reference size limit was increased from 255 to 768 (the maximum supported by MySQL) in XWiki 13.2.
12 #if ($services.extension.core.getCoreExtension('org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-model').id.version.compareTo('13.2') >= 0)
13 #set ($localReferenceMaxLength = $mathtool.sub($localReferenceMaxLength, $xcontext.database.length()))
14 #else
15 ## To avoid issues with documents with path too long, take some extra margin, higher than the wiki name length.
16 #set ($localReferenceMaxLength = $mathtool.sub($localReferenceMaxLength, 50))
17 #end
18 $localReferenceMaxLength
19 #end
20 {{/velocity}}
22 {{velocity}}
23 #if (!$'admin', $xcontext.userReference, $doc.documentReference.wikiReference))
24 {{error}}
25 You don't have the right to use this tool on this wiki. You need to be administrator.
26 {{/error}}
27 #else
28 ## Both job.css and extension.css are needed because the ui-progress classes that we need to display
29 ## a progress bar are in one of these 2 files depending on the XWiki version
30 #set ($discard = $xwiki.ssfx.use('uicomponents/job/job.css', true))
31 #set ($discard = $xwiki.ssfx.use('uicomponents/extension/extension.css', true))
32 #set ($discard = $xwiki.ssfx.use('uicomponents/logging/logging.css', true))
33 #set ($discard = $xwiki.linkx.use($services.webjars.url('org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-tree-webjar', 'tree.min.css',
34 {'evaluate': true}), {'type': 'text/css', 'rel': 'stylesheet'}))
35 {{html clean="false"}}
36 <!------------------------------------------
37 Migration Action Template
38 ------------------------------------------->
39 <script id="MigrationActionTemplate" type="text/html">
40 <!-- ko foreach: ${escapetool.d}data.actions -->
41 <li class="jstree-node" data-bind="
42 visible: (!targetDocument.equals(sourceDocument) || getNumberOfChildren() > 0 || getNumberOfPreferences() > 0 || getNumberOfRights()> 0),
43 css: {
44 'jstree-closed': !displayChildren(),
45 'jstree-open' : displayChildren(),
46 'jstree-leaf' : getNumberOfChildren() == 0 && getNumberOfPreferences() == 0,
47 'jstree-last' : ${escapetool.d}index() == ${escapetool.d}parent.actions.length - 1
48 }">
49 ## Display the tree branch
50 <i class="jstree-icon jstree-ocl" role="presentation" data-bind="click: toggleDisplayChildren"></i>
51 ## Display the checbox
52 <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: enabled" />
53 ## Display the 'all' link
54 <a href="#" data-bind="visible: !enabled() && (getNumberOfChildren() > 0 || getNumberOfPreferences() > 0 || getNumberOfRights()> 0), click: enableWithChildren" >(all)</a>
55 ## Display the document name
56 <strong class="documentName" data-bind="text: getTargetName(), click: toggleDisplayChildren, css: { 'bg-danger': isTooLong() }"></strong>
57 ## Display the target location
58 [<span data-bind="text: serializedTargetDocument()" class="monospace"></span>]
59 ## Display if the action is a change or not
60 <em data-bind="visible: targetDocument.equals(sourceDocument)">(unchanged)</em>
61 ## Display if a previous document will be deleted
62 <strong data-bind="visible: deletePrevious">(duplicated document will be deleted)</strong>
63 ## Display the exclude page button
64 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-bind="click: ${escapetool.d}root.excludePage, disable: targetDocument.equals(sourceDocument)">exclude page</button>
65 ## Display the exclude space button
66 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-bind="click: ${escapetool.d}root.excludeSpace">exclude space</button>
67 ## Display th button to change the parent of ht document
68 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-bind="click: ${escapetool.d}root.setParent">set parent</button>
69 ## Display the number of children
70 (<span data-bind="text: getNumberOfChildren()"></span> children,
71 ## Display the number of preferences
72 <span data-bind="text: getNumberOfPreferences()"></span> preferences,
73 ## Display the number of rights
74 <span data-bind="text: getNumberOfRights()"></span> rights)
75 ## Display the original location
76 from <a target="_blank" class="monospace" data-bind="text: serializedSourceDocument(), attr: {href: getSourceLink()}"></a>
77 ## Display all children
78 <!-- ko if: displayChildren() -->
79 ## Display preferences
80 <!-- ko if: preferences.length > 0 -->
81 <ul data-bind="foreach: preferences" class="jstree-children">
82 <li class="text-warning jstree-node jstree-leaf">
83 <i class="jstree-icon jstree-ocl" role="presentation"></i>
84 <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: enabled"/> <strong>[Preferences] <span data-bind="text: property"></span> : <span data-bind="text: value"></span></strong> (coming from <a target="_blank" class="monospace" data-bind="text: getSerializedOrigin(), attr: {href: getOriginLink()}"></a>)
85 </li>
86 </ul>
87 <!-- /ko -->
88 ## Display rights
89 <!-- ko if: rights.length > 0 -->
90 <ul data-bind="foreach: rights" class="jstree-children">
91 <li class="text-danger jstree-node jstree-leaf">
92 <i class="jstree-icon jstree-ocl" role="presentation"></i>
93 <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: enabled"/> <strong>[Right] <span data-bind="text: toString()"></span></strong> (coming from <a target="_blank" class="monospace" data-bind="text: getSerializedOrigin(), attr: {href: getOriginLink()}"></a>)
94 </li>
95 </ul>
96 <!-- /ko -->
97 ## Display children documents
98 <ul data-bind="template: { name: 'MigrationActionTemplate', data: {'actions': children()} }" class="jstree-children"/>
99 <!-- /ko -->
100 </li>
101 <!-- /ko -->
102 </script>
103 <!------------------------------------------
104 Display Logs
105 ------------------------------------------->
106 <script id="DisplayLogs" type="text/html">
107 <h2 class="log-title">Logs: </h2>
108 <ul class="log" data-bind="if: logs().length > 0">
109 <!-- ko foreach: logs -->
110 <li class="log-item" data-bind="css: getClass()">
111 <div data-bind="text: message"></div>
112 <!-- ko if: stackTrace -->
113 <pre data-bind="text: stackTrace"></pre>
114 <!-- /ko -->
115 </li>
116 <!-- /ko -->
117 </ul>
118 </script>
119 <!------------------------------------------
120 Display plan
121 ------------------------------------------->
122 <script id="DisplayPlan" type="text/html">
123 <h2>Plan</h2>
124 <div class="migration-plan box">
125 <div data-bind="if: isComputing()" id="planComputing">
126 <p>The plan is being computed and it could take some time. Please wait...</p>
127 <div class="ui-progress-background">
128 <div class="ui-progress-bar green" data-bind="style: {width: progress() + '%'}"></div>
129 </div>
130 </div>
131 <div class="box warningmessage" data-bind="visible: duplicates().length > 0">
132 <p>The migration have detected some duplicated documents, that are probably the consequences of a failed attempt to run the migrator.<br />
133 <p>If it's the first time you run the migrator, you might have a problem.</p>
134 <p>Theses documents are:</p>
135 <ul data-bind="foreach: {data: duplicates(), as: 'doc'}">
136 <li data-bind="text: doc"></li>
137 </ul>
138 <p>If you are ok with it, just run the migrator and these documents will be overwritten.</p>
139 </div>
140 <div class="box errormessage" data-bind="visible: tooLongs().length > 0">
141 <p>We have detected some pages that will have too long path after the migration (limit is #getLocalReferenceMaxLength()). You should rename them (or rename one of their parents) before computing a new plan.</p>
142 <p>Theses pages are:</p>
143 <ul data-bind="foreach: {data: tooLongs(), as: 'action'}">
144 <li class="monospace"><a data-bind="attr: {href: action.getSourceLink()}" target="_blank"><span data-bind="text: action.serializedSourceDocument()"></span></a> -&gt; <span data-bind="text: action.serializedTargetDocument()"></span></li>
145 </ul>
146 </div>
147 <ul data-bind="if: actions() && !isComputing() && !isPlanEmpty()" id="planTree" class="jstree jstree-xwiki jstree-xwiki-responsive jstree-container-ul">
148 <!-- ko template: {name: 'MigrationActionTemplate', data: {'actions': actions() }} -->
149 <!-- /ko -->
150 </ul>
151 <!-- ko if: !isComputing() && isPlanEmpty() -->
152 <div class="box infomessage">
153 <p>There is nothing to do!</p>
154 </div>
155 <!-- /ko -->
156 <!-- ko template: {name: 'DisplayLogs', data: ${escapetool.d}root} -->
157 <!-- /ko -->
158 </div>
159 </Script>
160 <!------------------------------------------
161 Display configuration
162 ------------------------------------------->
163 <h2>Configuration</h2>
164 <form class="xform">
165 <div class="row">
166 <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
167 <dl>
168 <!-- Excluded pages -->
169 <dt><label for="excludedPages">Excluded pages</label></dt>
170 <dd>
171 <p class="xHint">Page references separated by commas (',')</p>
172 <p><input type="text" id="excludedPages" data-bind="value: configuration.excludedPages"></p>
173 </dd>
174 <!-- Excluded spaces -->
175 <dt><label for="excludedSpaces">Excluded spaces</label></dt>
176 <dd>
177 <p class="xHint">Space references separated by commas (',')</p>
178 <p><input type="text" id="excludedSpaces" data-bind="value: configuration.excludedSpaces"> </p>
179 </dd>
180 <!-- Included spaces -->
181 <dt><label for="includedSpaces">Included spaces</label></dt>
182 <dd>
183 <p class="xHint">Space references separated by commas (',')</p>
184 <p><input type="text" id="includedSpaces" data-bind="value: configuration.includedSpaces"> </p>
185 </dd>
186 </dl>
187 </div>
188 <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
189 <p><button class="btn btn-default" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#advancedSettings" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="advancedSettings">Advanced Settings</button></p>
190 <dl id="advancedSettings" class="collapse well">
191 <!-- Exclude hidden pages -->
192 <dt><input type="checkbox" id="excludeHiddenPages" data-bind="checked: configuration.excludeHiddenPages"> <label for="excludeHiddenPages">Exclude hidden pages</label></dt>
193 <dd><span class="xHint">Most of the hidden pages are techinal content. Moving them can break applications.</span></dd>
194 <!-- Exclude class pages -->
195 <dt><input type="checkbox" id="excludeClassPages" data-bind="checked: configuration.excludeClassPages"> <label for="excludeClassPages">Exclude pages having a class</label></dt>
196 <dd><span class="xHint">The pages are technical and moving them can break applications.</span></dd>
197 <!-- Don't move children -->
198 <dt><input type="checkbox" id="dontMoveChildren" data-bind="checked: configuration.dontMoveChildren"> <label for="dontMoveChildren">Do not move children</label></dt>
199 <dd><span class="xHint">Only convert terminal pages to nested pages, without moving them under their parent.</span></dd>
200 <!-- Add redirection -->
201 <dt><input type="checkbox" id="addRedirection" data-bind="checked: configuration.addRedirection"> <label for="addRedirection">Add redirection</label></dt>
202 <dd><span class="xHint">Add a redirection in the old location.</span></dd>
203 <!-- Convert preferences -->
204 <dt><input type="checkbox" id="convertPreferences" data-bind="checked: configuration.convertPreferences"> <label for="convertPreferences">Convert preferences</label></dt>
205 <dd><span class="xHint">Make sure that the preferences applied on the page remain the same after the move, by dupplicating the preferences on the target document.</span></dd>
206 <!-- Convert rights -->
207 <dt><input type="checkbox" id="convertRights" data-bind="checked: configuration.convertRights"> <label for="convertRights">Convert rights (experimental)</label></dt>
208 <dd><span class="xHint">Make sure that the rights applied on the page remain the same after the move <span class="text-danger">(Currently bugged)</span>.</span></dd>
209 <!-- Excluded Object Classes -->
210 <dt><label for="excludedObjectClasses" data-bind="click: toggleXClassList">Exclude classes</label></dt>
211 <dd>
212 <p class="xHint" data-bind="click: toggleXClassList">Exclude pages holding an object of one of the specified classes (separated by a coma ',').</p>
213 <p><textarea id="excludedObjectClasses" data-bind="textInput: configuration.excludedObjectClasses, click: showXClassList" data-localReferenceMaxLength="#getLocalReferenceMaxLength()" data-xclasses="#foreach($class in $xwiki.classList)#if($foreach.count>1),#end${class}#end"></textarea></p>
214 <div data-bind="visible: xclassListVisible">
215 <a data-bind="click: hideXClassList" href="#">$services.icon.renderHTML('remove') Hide</a>
216 <ul data-bind="foreach: {data: xclasses, as: 'xclass'}" style="list-style-type: none; padding: 0;">
217 <li><label><input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: xclass.selected"/> <span data-bind="text:"</span></label></li>
218 </ul>
219 </div>
220 </dd>
221 </dl>
222 </div>
223 </div>
224 <div class="clearfix">
225 <h2>Actions</h2>
226 <button class="btn btn-success" data-bind="click: startBreakageDetection, disable: isComputing() || isPlanExecuting()">Detect breakages</button>
227 <button class="btn btn-primary" data-bind="click: computePlan, disable: isComputing() || isPlanExecuting()">Compute plan</button>
228 <button class="btn btn-primary" data-bind="disable: actions().length == 0 || isPlanExecuting() || tooLongs().length > 0, click: executePlan">Execute plan</button>
229 <button class="btn btn-default" data-bind="disable: actions().length == 0 || isPlanExecuting(), click: cleanPlan">Clean plan (to free the memory)</button>
230 </div>
231 </form>
232 <!------------------------------------------
233 Display plan
234 ------------------------------------------->
235 <div data-bind="if: isPlanRequested() && !isPlanExecuting()">
236 ## We escape the dollar of the knockout variable '$root' because $root also exists in velocity
237 <!-- ko template: {name: 'DisplayPlan', data: ${escapetool.d}root} -->
238 <!-- /ko -->
239 </div>
240 <!------------------------------------------
241 Execute Plan
242 ------------------------------------------->
243 <!-- ko if: isPlanExecuting() && !success()-->
244 <div class="box" id="planExecuting">
245 <p>The plan is being executed and it could take some time. Please wait...</p>
246 <div class="ui-progress-background">
247 <div class="ui-progress-bar green" data-bind="style: {width: progress() + '%'}"></div>
248 </div>
249 <!-- ko template: {name: 'DisplayLogs', data: ${escapetool.d}root} -->
250 <!-- /ko -->
251 </div>
252 <!-- /ko -->
253 <!------------------------------------------
254 Display breakages
255 ------------------------------------------->
256 <!-- ko if: isBreakageListRequested-->
257 <h2>Breakages</h2>
258 <div class="box">
259 <div data-bind="if: isComputing">
260 <p>The list of broken pages is being computed, please wait...</p>
261 <div class="ui-progress-background">
262 <div class="ui-progress-bar green" data-bind="style: {width: progress() + '%'}"></div>
263 </div>
264 <!-- ko template: {name: 'DisplayLogs', data: ${escapetool.d}root} -->
265 <!-- /ko -->
266 </div>
267 <div data-bind="ifnot: isComputing">
268 <p>If you don't migrate your pages, <strong data-bind="text: breakageList().size()"></strong> documents will lose their current parent.</p>
269 <ul data-bind="foreach: breakageList">
270 <li>Page <span data-bind="text: document" class="monospace box infomessage" ></span> will lose its current parent <span data-bind="text: actualParent" class="monospace box infomessage"></span> because its location parent is <span data-bind="text: locationParent" class="monospace box infomessage"></span>.</li>
271 </ul>
272 </div>
273 </div>
274 <!-- /ko -->
275 <!------------------------------------------
276 End message
277 ------------------------------------------->
278 <!-- ko if: success() -->
279 <div class="box successmessage" id="planExecuted">
280 The plan have been executed!
281 </div>
282 <!-- ko template: {name: 'DisplayLogs', data: ${escapetool.d}root} -->
283 <!-- /ko -->
284 <!-- /ko -->
285 {{/html}}
286 #end
287 {{/velocity}}