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1 ### Welcome to the RTSYS Wiki!
3 Also visit the Real-Time and Embedded Systems group [homepage]( for more general information about our group.
5 This wiki provides information on the following topics:
7 * [[Archived documentation|doc:KIELER.WebHome]] of the KIELER project.
8 For up-to-date information and documentation, please visit our **[GitHub organization for the KIELER project](** and consult the wikis of the respective repositories for the different components of KIELER.
9 This wiki mostly contains information about deprecated and discontinued projects prior to the GitHub migration in 2022.
10 * [[Seminars|doc:Seminars.WebHome]] organization.
11 Information and processes regarding the seminars provided by our group.
12 * [[Student Projects|doc:Projects.WebHome]] organization and documentation.
13 Information and reports about past and upcoming Master's projects at our group.
14 * [[Theses|doc:Theses.WebHome]] topics and advice.
15 Available Bachelor's and Master's thesis topics, as well as completed theses and helpful information about the process of writing theses at our group.