Graph Formats
Last modified by Alexander Schulz-Rosengarten on 2023/07/11 10:33
At the moment, KWebS supports the following formats:
- The KIELER KGraph in its XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) notation, the identifier is de.cau.cs.kieler.kgraph
- The KIELER JSON Graph Format based on the JavaScript Object Notation format, the identifier org.json
- Graphviz DOT (, the identifier is
- GraphML (, the identifier is org.graphdrawing.graphml
- Open Graph Markup Language (OGML) (, the identifier is net.ogdf.ogml
- Matrix Market (, the identifier is gov.nist.math.matrix
- GML (, the identifier is de.uni-passau.fim.gml
- SVG (, the identifier is org.w3.svg (only for output)