Welcome to the KIELER Project's Wiki!
The Kiel Integrated Environment for Layout Eclipse RichClient, or short KIELER, is a research project about enhancing the graphical model-based design of complex systems. It is developed by the Real-Time and Embedded Systems group at Kiel University.
Using This Wiki
The Wiki is structured as follows:
Overview | The Different Components of KIELER | Development | Processes |
We use the Wiki to document the project, its different components, the processes we use to manage it, and whatever else needs documenting. As a KIELER developer, please feel free to add content to the Wiki. If you're unsure about where to add the content to, just ask one of the senior developers – they'll be happy to help.
Getting Help
This Wiki is the main source of documentation for the KIELER project. If you'd like to get in touch with the team, either search the group's web page for e-mail addresses, or use the following channels:
- Announcement Mailing List
KIELER releases and important project updates are sent to this low-traffic mailing list. - Developer Mailing List
Every KIELER developer is expected to be on our developer mailing list to stay up to date on announcements and information relevant to developers.
Also take a look at demos and tutorial videmos and tutorial videosdeos we have put together.
Here's the list of tools we use: