A common task for evaluating the quality of a graph drawing algorithm is the time it takes to find a specific element (as well as tasks such as finding

the fastest route between two nodes and others). The traditional approach would be to optimize graph aesthetic criteria (such as the scale measure or the edge crossings) to improve the readability of the graph.

A much simpler solution would be to just have a search function inside a diagram.

In our KIELER framework, one does not only have a diagram, but always the text it is synthesized from, which leaves multiple ways to implement a search function for diagrams.

1. Search in diagram

2. Search in text and map text occurence in diagram

3. Traditional good layout to improve readability

4. More ideas you might have!!


  • Implement search strategies for diagrams
  • Evaluate the different strategies using standard graph tasks for general graphs or human made graph (on the example of SCCharts)


Master's/Bachelor's Thesis

Related Work/Literature

  • TODO graph tasks
  • K. Sugiyama, S. Tagawa, and M. Toda. Methods for visual understanding of hierarchical system structures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 11(2):109–125, February 1981.

Involved Languages/Technologies

  • Java / Xtend in SCCharts Synthesis
  • Typescript in klighd-vscode
  • Sprotty

Supervised by

Sören Domrös

