Übersicht über Graphalgorithmen:


Erste Paper:

T. Dwyer and K. Marriott, "Exploration of networks using overview+ detail with constraint-based cooperative layout"

Nathalie Henry, Jean-Daniel Fekete, and Michael J. McGuffin. 2007. NodeTrix: a Hybrid Visualization of Social Networks.

T. Dwyer, K. Marriott, and P. Sbarski, "Hi-tree layout using quadratic programming"

V. Yoghourdjian, T. Dwyer, G. Gange, S. Kieffer, K. Klein, and K. Marriott, "High-Quality Ultra-Compact Grid Layout of Grouped Networks"

Im Zusammenhang mit einem kräfte-basierten Layouter:

Lev Nachmanson, Arlind Nocaj, Sergey Bereg, Leishi Zhang, Alexander Holroyd, "Node Overlap Removal by Growing a Tree" http://arxiv.org/format/1608.02653

Hierrchical Edge Bundles: Visualizaiton of Adjacency Relations in Hierarchical Data



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Created by abar on 2016/11/08 14:30