Track Environment
Name | Type | Range | Short description |
TrackSpeeds | int[48] | [ -255 , 255 ] | The speed per track. Track names can be used as indices. (e.g. KH_ST_0) |
Points | int[30] | {BRANCH, STRAIGHT} | The numbered values of the switchable intersection points. (e.g. 23) |
TrackSignals | bool[40][2] | {true, false} | The signals on each track. If the track contains signals it's always two. Track names can be used as indices. (e.g. KH_ST_1) |
Name | Type | Range | Short description |
TrainPositions | int[15] | [ 0 , 47 ] | The position, that a given train currently occupies. (e.g. Train TRAIN_KH_ST_0 occupies KH_ST_0 on startup) |
TrainSpeeds | int[15] | [ -255 , 255 ] | The speed, that a given train currently occupies (e.g. Train TRAIN_KH_ST_0 has speed 100) |
ForwardNext | int[48][5] | [ 0, 48 ] (-1 means invalid) | The next lines in the main direction. Each track can have at most 5 possible lines. -1 for all entries, that are not valid lines. (e.g. ForwardNext[KH_ST_1][0] == KH_ST_6, ForwardNext[KH_ST_1][1] == -1,...) |
ReverseNext | int[48][5] | [ 0, 48 ] (-1 means invalid) | Same behaviour as ForwardNext, but in the secondary direction. If the secondary direction is not permitted all values are -1. |
Error | string | Error messages. (e.g. If a required track signal did not trigger) |
For two directly connected Tracks the IDs of the Points that need to be passed (if any) including their direction (branch, straight).
Idea: A big matrix in the form of PointPositions[48][48][2][2]. So for each set of tracks the points (if any) and as value either branch or straight.
PointPositions[KH_LN_5][KH_LN_7][1] = {null, null}
PointPositions[KH_ST_4][KH_ST_0][0] = {1, BRANCH}
PointPositions[KH_ST_4][KH_ST_0][1] = {2, BRANCH}
PointPositions[KH_LN_5][KH_LN_6][0] = {null, null}