1st Step

Import and build Controller_SCTx in KIELER.

2nd Step

Run run_manual.sh in code/girlsday

In the simulation this command also loads the train configuration and starts the controller with those positions.

Note: this uses any Controller.c file it finds in code/Controller_SCTx/ as tick file and accesses files in code/interface/

3rd Step

Run RailController in code/girlsday

Options and Commands:


  • Train 10 has special ICE-handling, so the ICE should always be assigned to this number, other Trains with this number stop for a while before parking.
  • The home position of each train is hardcoded into the Controller
  • The Controller tries to connect to a WebProvider on localhost:8089
  • The Clear-Mode by the WebProvider overrides any destination in each tick and can currently not be disabled by the console
  • The JSON kivis file is in the current execution folder: 'json_output.simin'
  • The Controller uses ANSI-Escape sequences to color the output and overwrite recived contact messages.
  • The entered characteres are most likely not all visible since there may be quite some output while typing, so these commands are typed blind in this case

Commandline options (order matters):

RailController [+] [s<fast_speed> [s<slow_speed>]] [<train1_pos> [<train2_pos> [...] | DEFAULT] | DEFAULT]


if present then there will be no startup hardware check which turns on the lamps and
switches each point twice and cycles thrue signal colors with some delay


pre-sets the global driving speed for the trains. Default: 70


pre-sets the global parking speed for the trains. Default: 59


sets the position of the train X, caseinsensitive, prefixed with '-' for reversed on bidirectional tracks,
valid only for segments (not for ex.: IC_JCT_0)
examples: KH_ST_2, K2, 26, -KH_LN_3, IC_ST_3, I3, 10, OC_LN_4


fills the remaining positions with the home Positons of each train

Valid track identifier are the Track names (IC_ST_2, OC_LN_4), their numbers (9, 38) and for stations the short versions (I1, I2, I3, O1, O2, O3, K1, K2, K3, K4, K5).
If reverse is a possible information then a preceeding '-' signals this. All Track inputs should be case insensitive.

The Program will ask for positions if there aren't enough positions provided. Invalid Positions count as "Not placed on the Track"


There is a handful of debug and settings commands, each has to be submitted with enter, commands with spaces in them need exactly one space between their words.

<train_num> <target>

sets the target of a train

sc | schedule

print requested locks for each train


set destination of each train to their starting position

reset trains

set destinbation of each train to their home position

toggle bell

toggles the crossings-gate-bell On and Off

toggle lamp <range>

toggles selected lamps On and Off

enable lamp <range>

turns selected lamps On

disable lamp <range>

turns selected löamps Off

print tick

toggles the output of the current tick number each tick On and Off


toggles randommode


reconnects to the hardware


prints positions of each train

s | speeds

prints the speeds for each track

st | " "

(second option is only a space)  toggles stop mode, which sets all hardware speeds to 0

pt <point_num>

toggles a Point, only works when the point isn't locked


prints the 4 speeds of each train (2nd and 4th number are the used slow and fast speeds)

setspeed [t<train_num>] <fast_speed> [slowspeed]

sets the global or train specific speeds

reach_t <track>

(DEBUG)sends a reached signal from this track

reach <train_num>

(DEBUG) sends a reached signal for given train

sim [s|e]<track>

(DEBUG) simulates the contacts on a track. s: only the first contact, e: only the second contact (no space after s or e)


prints entered destination for each train


prints maximum and average time for different loop parts (stdin, input, tick, output), partition may not be fully accurate


prints for each track the train ontop

move [on|off]

toggles or sets moveing mode, which sends some trains to two toggeling destinations, with some time waiting in a station

move_time <time>

sets waiting time in stations for moveing mode in ms (1000 = 1s)


sets each destination to 0 (= IC_JCT_0 => Invalid, no Destination)


currently has no effect, may be used for requested debug output

block <train_num>

toggles the 'dont_force_destination' input for the train. If enabled, this train would not start moveing to make space for another train

webprovider debug

toggles webprovider communication debug outputs

json output

toggles the creation of a '.simin' JSON file for kivis every 2s

Examples for ranges:
