If you are working in the laboratory, do not start a railway controller without coordinating with the other project participants!

The railway installation may be powered on! Starting your controller without being at the installation may cause evil and costly accidents!

To build a controller (without CAN bus support) directly (without further need of any configurations and/or make files) you need the changed files in the /code/sho_standalone_api. Copy the files in the appropriate directories, i.e. /Modules and /Interface in your personal client-communication-api. The basis client api is available in the railway repository. The needed gcc command line is stored in the readme.txt.

A network connection from the rtsys network is necessary to start the controller and connect to the railway installation:

  1. You can log in to aeon if you already got an rtsys account. You can run your code from there.
  2. You can send an email to Tim Grebien (tig@ifi) with your MAC address and ask him (nicely) to add your address to the rtsys dhcp server. Subsequently, your laptop should get an ip address within our network.
  3. You can log in to the Sun Stations at the railway installation. The user is railway01. The password is written down on the board in the laboratory. If you are using this account, please create an own directory and store your work there.
GCC command line

gcc 14ss-railway-nbw/code/simulation/RailwayControllerKieler/T3A1.core.normalized.seq.c client-communication-api-master/Modules/*.c -lpthread -I client-communication-api-master/Include/ -o Hurra

Die nlcan.c in client-communication-api/Modules vorher loeschen oder das .c wegmachen
