Changes for page TCP Communication
Last modified by csp on 2025/01/30 12:05
edited by Alexander Schulz-Rosengarten
on 2014/08/18 11:57
on 2014/08/18 11:57
edited by Alexander Schulz-Rosengarten
on 2014/08/07 17:22
on 2014/08/07 17:22
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... ... @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ 2 2 3 3 {{toc/}} 4 4 5 + 6 + 7 +{{status colour="Red" title="Work in progress - Might bE subject to change"/}} 8 + 5 5 Both the controller and the client GUI send their data as JSON Objects. 6 6 In JSON every Object is an unordered set of key/value pairs. The values of these pairs can be a JSON Object, a JSON Array or a primitive value (integer, string, boolean or null). 7 7 For more information or a complete grammar see [[http:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]]. ... ... @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ 28 28 * **pause** - true while the controller is paused, false otherwise 29 29 * **trainCount** - an integer with the number of active trains on the railway 30 30 * **trains** - a JSON Array with the data of all trains, each entry is a JSON Object with these values 31 -** **state** - integer value for current train state (0 = travelling, 1 = waiting, 2 = travelling until next station, 3 = forced wait , 4 = no schedule)35 +** **state** - integer value for current train state (0 = travelling, 1 = waiting, 2 = travelling until next station, 3 = forced wait) 32 32 ** **waitTime** - (integer) remaining milliseconds until departure (0 if not waiting) 33 33 ** **spdSlow** - the integer PWM value of this train while driving slow 34 34 ** **spdCaution** - the integer PWM value of this train while driving caution ... ... @@ -166,9 +166,11 @@ 166 166 ))) 167 167 ))) 168 168 * **locks** - a JSON Array containing the current value of the track permissions, ordered by the default encoding (Hoermann API) 169 -**tickTime** - Time consumption of tick function in milliseconds. 3 element double-array [min,avg,max]. 170 -**overallTime** - Time consumption of overall controller loop in milliseconds. 3 element double-array [min,avg,max]. 173 +* **tickTime** - Time consumption of tick function in milliseconds. 3 element double-array [min,avg,max]. 174 +* **{{status colour="Yellow" title="CHaNGED"/}}overallTime** - Time consumption of overall controller loop in milliseconds. 3 element double-array [min,avg,max]. 171 171 176 +{{status colour="Yellow" title="CHaNGED"/}} 177 + 172 172 173 173 174 174 {{code title="Sample status" language="js" collapse="true"}} ... ... @@ -196,8 +196,10 @@ 196 196 {"msgType":"status","data":{"debug":false,"cleanup":false,"pause":false,"trainCount":8,"trains":[{"state":3,"waitTime":0,"spdSlow":40,"spdCaution":60,"spdNormal":100,"stationTimes":[5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10],"currentIndex":1,"schedule":[9,13,17,21,25,27,33,35]},{"state":1,"waitTime":2500,"spdSlow":41,"spdCaution":61,"spdNormal":101,"stationTimes":[5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10],"currentIndex":2,"schedule":[9,13,17,21,25,27,33,35]},{"state":0,"waitTime":0,"spdSlow":42,"spdCaution":62,"spdNormal":102,"stationTimes":[5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10],"currentIndex":3,"schedule":[9,13,17,21,25,27,33,35]},{"state":0,"waitTime":0,"spdSlow":43,"spdCaution":63,"spdNormal":103,"stationTimes":[5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10],"currentIndex":4,"schedule":[9,13,17,21,25,27,33,35]},{"state":0,"waitTime":0,"spdSlow":44,"spdCaution":64,"spdNormal":104,"stationTimes":[5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10],"currentIndex":5,"schedule":[9,13,17,21,25,27,33,35]},{"state":1,"waitTime":10000,"spdSlow":45,"spdCaution":65,"spdNormal":105,"stationTimes":[5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10],"currentIndex":6,"schedule":[9,13,17,21,25,27,33,35]},{"state":2,"waitTime":0,"spdSlow":46,"spdCaution":66,"spdNormal":106,"stationTimes":[5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10],"currentIndex":7,"schedule":[9,13,17,21,25,27,33,35]},{"state":0,"waitTime":0,"spdSlow":47,"spdCaution":67,"spdNormal":107,"stationTimes":[5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10,5,10],"currentIndex":4,"schedule":[9,13,17,21,25,27,33,35]}],"locks":[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,-1,2,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,5,-1,-1,-1,3,3,7,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,6,-1,-1],"tickTime":[50,60,70],"overallTime":[70,80,90]}} 197 197 {{/code}} 198 198 199 -== Messages received by controller == 205 +== Messages received by controller == 200 200 207 +{{status colour="Yellow" title="CHaNGED"/}} 208 + 201 201 * Every message must contain the keys **command **and **data**. 202 202 * Valid values for **command **are the following uppercase commands. 203 203 * Depending on the command, the **data**-object contains the described infos. ... ... @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ 213 213 * //CLEANUP// - Start the cleanup procedure, sending the trains back to their home tacks 214 214 * //DEBUG// - enable or disable verbose output, must supply additional payload 215 215 ** **state** - boolean value, true if verbose output should be activated 216 -* //ECHO// - Prints message as log message on the server (will be broadcasted to all clients)\\ 224 +* //ECHO// - Prints message as log message on the server (will be broadcasted to all clients) {{status colour="Green" title="NEW"/}}\\ 217 217 ** **message** - string, message text 218 218 * //LIGHT// - activate or deactivate the lights on the railway, must supply additional payload\\ 219 219 ** **state** - boolean value, true if lights should be lit
- Confluence.Code.ConfluencePageClass[0]
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