From version < 11.1 >
edited by nbw
on 2014/07/10 18:36
To version < 13.1 >
edited by csp
on 2014/07/15 13:01
Change comment: tcp protocoll change



Page properties
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1 -XWiki.nbw
1 +XWiki.csp
... ... @@ -30,12 +30,13 @@
30 30  * **debug** - true if the controller is set to verbose debug output, false otherwise
31 31  * **cleanup** - true after cleanup mode has been engaged, false before that point
32 32  * **pause** - true while the controller is paused, false otherwise
33 +* **write** - true if receiving client has write access, false otherwise
33 33  * **trainCount** - an integer with the number of active trains on the railway
34 34  * **trains** - a JSON Array with the data of all trains, each entry is a JSON Object with these values\\
35 35  ** **trainNum** - the individual controller number of the train
36 -** **waiting** - boolean value, true if the train is waiting in a station, false otherwise 
37 -** **{{status colour="Green" title="NEW"/}}waitTime** - (integer) timestamp, when the train is allowed to depart, should only be interpreted if **waiting** is true 
38 -** **{{status colour="Green" title="NEW"/}}spdSlow** - the integer PWM value of this train while driving slow
37 +** --**waiting** - boolean value, true if the train is waiting in a station, false otherwise --
38 +** **{{status colour="Red" title="Removed"/}}waitTime** - (integer) remaining milliseconds until departure (0 if not waiting) 
39 +** **{{status colour="Yellow" title="changed"/}}spdSlow** - the integer PWM value of this train while driving slow
39 39  ** **spdCaution** - the integer PWM value of this train while driving caution
40 40  ** **spdNormal** - the integer PWM value of this train while driving normally
41 41  ** **currentIndex** -an integer describing the current position in the schedule
... ... @@ -195,28 +195,29 @@
195 195  
196 196  === Valid commands ===
197 197  
199 +* //STATUS// - Poll for the current status, should trigger a status reply message
198 198  * //SHUTDOWN// - Causing the controller to end the program and close all sockets
199 199  * //LOGOUT// - Closing the connection, leaving the controller running
200 -* //STATUS// - Poll for the current status, should trigger a status reply message
201 -* //CLEANUP// - Start the cleanup procedure, sending the trains back to their home tacks
202 -* //DEBUG// - enable or disable verbose output, must supply additional payload
203 -** **state** - boolean value, true if verbose output should be activated
204 204  * //PAUSE// - suspend or resume the controller, must supply additional payload
205 205  ** **state** - boolean value, true if controller should be suspended
206 -* //LIGHT// - activate or deactivate the lights on the railway, must supply additional payload\\
204 +* //WRITE// - Acquire write access mutex to the controller
205 +* //CLEANUP// (//write//) - Start the cleanup procedure, sending the trains back to their home tacks
206 +* //DEBUG// (//write//) - enable or disable verbose output, must supply additional payload
207 +** **state** - boolean value, true if verbose output should be activated
208 +* //LIGHT (write//) - activate or deactivate the lights on the railway, must supply additional payload\\
207 207  ** **state** - boolean value, true if lights should be lit
208 -* //WAIT// - Force a train to wait in the next station, must supply additional payload
210 +* //WAIT// (//write//) - Force a train to wait in the next station, must supply additional payload
209 209  ** **train** - integer train identification
210 -* //START// - Force a waiting train to immediately abort the waiting timer, must supply additional payload
212 +* //START (write//) - Force a waiting train to immediately abort the waiting timer, must supply additional payload
211 211  ** **train** - integer train identification
212 -* //SCHEDULE// - Set the new schedule for a train, needs additional payload
214 +* //SCHEDULE// (//write//) - Set the new schedule for a train, needs additional payload
213 213  ** **train** - integer train identification
214 214  ** **currentIndex** - current integer position in the schedule array
215 215  ** **tracks** - a JSON Array of integer values, representing the station tracks in encoding above
216 -* //SPEED// - Change the speed settings of a train, needs additional payload
218 +* //SPEED (write//) - Change the speed settings of a train, needs additional payload
217 217  ** **train** - integer train identification
218 218  ** **speeds** - JSON Array with three integer values (% class="confluence-link" %)spdSlow, spdCaution, spdNormal
219 -* //TIME// - Change the waiting times for a train
221 +* //TIME// (//write//) - Change the waiting times for a train
220 220  ** **train** - integer train identification
221 221  ** **times** -
222 222  
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1 -https://rtsys.informatik.uni-kiel.de/confluence//wiki/spaces/SS14Railway/pages/9471534/TCP Communication
1 +https://rtsys.informatik.uni-kiel.de/confluence//wiki/spaces/SS14Railway/pages/9471567/TCP Communication