KIELER SCCharts Release 1.1

We are happy to provide a new release of the Kiel Integrated Environment for Layout Eclipse Rich Client SCCharts Editor and Compiler!


You can either download the Rich Client Application (RCA) which is a self-contained application bundled with everything you need to run KIELER SCCharts, or you can install the single KIELER SCCharts features via an update site on top of your own Eclipse installation.

  • You'll require a Java Runtime Environment >= version 1.8
  • With KIELER 1.1 we only support 64bit architectures

There is also a command line interface for the KIELER compiler. You can use the executable jar or a platform specific execrable file.








April 3rd, 2020


June 18th, 2020

Release Notes

Whats new in KIELER SCCharts 1.1?

  • Command-line compiler for the KIELER compiler
  • Object Orientation (see Object Orientation)
    • Class and struct Types
    • SCCharts class modeling
    • Methods
    • For/While loops
  • Lustre Support
    • Transformation to SCCharts
    • Integration of Lustre V6 compiler
    • Simulation
    • Synthesis using SCCharts transformation
  • Validation for SCCharts
    • Transformation into validation backends
      • SMV
      • nuXMV
      • SPIN
    • A validation view to interactively validate models and simulation counter examples
  • SCCharts Extensions
    • Added weak entry & exit actions
    • Reworked deferred transformation
  • Analyses & Visualization
    • Re-engineered Dataflow synthesis
    • Circuit Diagrams and Syntheses
    • Causal Dataflow View
  • Compiler Extensions
    • Direct Lego NXT support for KiCo
    • C AST Generation via GCC
    • Improved hostcode integration
    • Improved timed SCCharts (see Timed Automata)
    • SCCharts Java Debugging (experimental)
    • Stream-lined direct State-based compilation for actions
    • Added Netlist-based code optimization for _GO
    • Improved compile-time evaluation of constant expressions
    • Fixed minor bugs in associativity of KExpressions 
  • Dropped support for 32bit RCA

Whats new in KIELER SCCharts 1.1.1?

  • Build against KLighD 1.1.1 resolving issues with incremental update breaking modeling process (editor association, collapse/expand of regions, and simulation highlighting)
  • Minor bug fixes

Fixed Issues

project = KISEMA AND fixVersion = 1.1 AND status = Closed 

Known Problems and Limitations

Kieler on Mac OS

After downloading KIELER, Mac OS quarantines the application and, for some reason, considers the app broken and wants you to move it into the Trash.
Hence, if you want to use KIELER on your Mac, you have to remove the quarantine flag manually. You can use the following command:

xattr -rc ./

Collapse/Expand and Simulation Highlighting stops working (Fixed in 1.1.1)

After some time, usually related to diagram updates or synthesis option changes, the collapse/expand functionality of regions, as well as any simulation highlighting will stop working. This is caused by a bug in Klighd.

A possible workaround is activating the "Force simply update strategy" option of the Diagram view. The option is located in menu at the right side of the view's toolbar.

Bug Reports, Comments

We're working hard to make the graphical modeling user experience as convenient as possible. However, bugs can still remain in the code and some things might not be as you would expect them. Please don't hesitate to send in bug reports or give other comments like feature requests.

Use our Bugtracker file bug reports. For news or general questions subscribe to the rt-kieler mailing list.
