KIELER SCCharts Release 0.10.0

Official Project Website

  • Built on Eclipse 4.3 "Kepler"

We are happy to provide the tenth release of the Kiel Integrated Environment for Layout Eclipse Rich Client! It is a framework for enhanced user interaction in graphical modeling basing on the Eclipse platform. 


You can either download the Rich Client Application (RCA) which is a self-contained application bundled with everything you need to run KIELER SCCharts, or you can install the single KIELER SCCharts features via an update site on top of your own Eclipse installation (Eclipse 4.3 "Kepler" required).

  • See the KIELER Downloads site for download details.
  • You'll require a Java Runtime Environment >= version 1.5.
  • Nice graph layouts can be obtained by GraphViz. KIELER SCCharts makes use of a GraphViz installation on your machine, so you probably want to install it.

Release Notes

The 0.10.0 release comes with the following changes.

New Features included in 0.10.0

  • Kieler Compiler (KiCo)
    • Interactive Compiler Selection
    • Interactive Model View
  • Commandline compiler
  • Online compiler
  • SCCharts Language Extensions
    • Referenced SCCharts
    • Declarations with arrays, const & extern
    • Hostcode extensions
  • Improvements on the compiler performance and code generation

Deprecated Features

The following features were shipped with previous versions are not supported anymore.

  • Removed GMF dependencies
  • Removed KiVi dependencies
  • Removed core plugins:
    • kieler.core.model.gmf
    • kieler.core.model.xtend
    • kieler.core.model.xtext
  • Removed SCCharts transformations from context menus


Start with the ABO ("Hello World") Example

The 0.10.0 release provides examples you can add and play around with. You can start with an example by doing one of the following things:

  • Create a new project and name it as you like.
  • Create a new *.sct file in the project (create a file and give it the file extension ".sct")
  • Open the file (it should open in the SCCharts editor)
  • Start with the SCT language using the following ABO example:

    scchart ABO {
    input output bool A;
    input output bool B;
    output bool O1;
    output bool O2;
    initial state Init
    --> WaitAB immediate with / O1 = false; O2 = false;
      state WaitAB {
    region HandleA:
    initial state WaitA
    --> DoneA  immediate with A / B = true; O1 = true;
        final state DoneA;
    region HandleB:
    initial state WaitB
    --> DoneB with B / O1 = true;
        final state DoneB;
    >-> GotAB with / O1 = false; O2 = true;
    state GotAB;

Known Problems and Limitations

  • If KIELER fails to start with an error message such as "Failed to load the JNI shared library...", you might have downloaded KIELER 64bit even though you're running Java 32bit, or vice versa. This is a known Eclipse problem and can be fixed by downloading the proper version of KIELER. Note that if you have installed multiple versions of the JVM on your machine, you have to make sure that Eclipse (resp. KIELER RCA) finds the right one. You can achieve this either by adding the Java bin directory to your PATH variable or by specifying the path to your JVM executable in your eclipse.ini file, using the -vm option, as explained on this page.
  • Project Status with Release 0.10.0





    SCCharts Editor (*.sct)

    Implemented and tested



    SCG Editor

    Implemented and tested



    SCL Editor

    Implementation not yet finished


    planned for 0.11.0

    Extended 2 Core SCCharts

    Implemented, accessible via KiCo (some known bugs)



    Core 2 Normalized SCCharts

    Implemented, accessible via KiCo



    Normalized SCCharts 2 SCG

    Implemented, accessible via KiCo



    SCG 2 Sequential SCG

    Implemented, accessible via KiCo



    SCG 2 C

    Implemented by transformation via common S language

    (this can also be translated into Java -> SJL),

    accessible via KiCo




    A full featured simulation is currently being developed


    planned for 0.11.0

Bug Reports, Comments

We're working hard to make the graphical modeling user experience as convenient as possible. However, bugs can still remain in the code and some things might not be as you would expect them. Please don't hesitate to send in bug reports or give other comments like feature requests.

Send bug reports to kieler@…, please. For news or general questions subscribe to the rt-kieler mailing list.
