KIELER Pragmatics 2020/09

We are happy to provide release 2020/09 of the KIELER Pragmatics Project! KIELER Pragmatics is a framework for enhanced user interaction in graphical modeling that builds on the Eclipse platform. This document describes how to install the release and highlights the most exciting new features.


KIELER Pragmatics 2020/09 is provided as a set of features, available to be added to your Eclipse installation via an update site. KIELER Pragmatics 2020/09 was tested on Eclipse 2020-06, but may also be compatible with other versions of Eclipse.

  • See the KIELER Downloads site for download details.
  • KIELER Pragmatics requires an installed Java Runtime Environment >= version 1.8.
  • The layout components of the Eclipse Layout Kernel can make use of the layout algorithms provided by the Graphviz library, which must be downloaded and installed separately. You may want to do so.

Major changes

We adapted to the latest versions of ELK 0.7.0 and KLighD 2.0.0 and with that implemented a new way to work with KLighD and ELK: We now have Language Server support! The Pragmatics Language Server, which can be built from the release branch of the Pragmatics repository, supports default Language Server Protocol services, as well as diagrams powered by KLighD and Sprotty in our soon-to-be-released browser-based KEITH environment.

Fixed Issues

project = KIPRA AND status = Closed AND fixVersion ="2020/09" 

Known Problems and Limitations

Bug Reports, Comments

We're working hard to make the graphical modeling user experience as convenient as possible. However, bugs can still remain in the code and some things might not be as you would expect them. Please don't hesitate to send in bug reports or give other comments like feature requests.

You can submit bug in our issue tracking system  or send a mail to For news or general questions subscribe to the rt-kieler mailing list.
