Integration Testing: Eclipse Plugin JUnit Test

For each branch created for the models repository a number of tests is automatically tested for the state of the specific branch. However, those tests can be run locally prior to pushing the current state. In order to do so, follow the steps listed:

  1. Select the desired plug-in containing the tests (for example de.cau.cs.kieler.sccharts.test) and right-click on it. 
  2. Choose "Run as..." - "JUnit Plug-in Test"

This should create a new run configuration for JUnit tests for the specific plug-in and also start the application for testing.

Note: For tests involving the models repository  the position of this repository must be defined in the configuration. First, make sure to checkout the KIELER models repository located here. Afterwards, in the "Run Configurations" menu, choose the tab "Environment" and click on "New...". Add an environment variable with the name "models_repository" and the path to the checked out models repository as the value. Click "Apply" and you are set for testing.
