All public repositories from our Bitbucket server have been migrated to GitHub.
If you want to continue to use your already cloned repositories or you are currently using an Eclipse installation for Kieler created with Oomph, you should to take action according to the following guides.

Private repositories are now located in the IfI GitLab. There is a separate internal migration guide for members of our group.

Updating Remote URL

If you have unpushed branches/commits or you want to continue to use your a repository that was initially cloned from our Birbucket system, you have to adjust the remote URL.

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Change the current working directory to your local repository
  3. List your existing remotes in order to get the name of the remote you want to change (usually origin)

    $ git remote -v
    > origin  ssh://<repo>.git (fetch)
    > origin  ssh://<repo>.git (push)

    The given example uses an URL for access via SSH, if you are using HTTPS, the URL might differ.

  4. Find the new repository location on GitHub (or IfI GitLab for internal ones)
  5. Click on clone to inspect the new URL of the repository
  6. Change your remote's URL to the new location using the git remote set-url command.

    $ git remote set-url origin<repo>.git
  7. (optinal) Verify that the remote URL has changed.

    $ git remote -v
    > origin<repo>.git (fetch)
    > origin<repo>.git (push)

Oomph Setup

With the migration to GitHub the Oomph setup configurations for the Kieler projects changed. It is necessary to create a fresh installation of your developer Eclipse with the new Oomph setup files in order to get a correct configuration.

If you already installed an developer Eclipse for Kieler following this guide, you need to perform these steps.

  1. (optional) If you follow the guide above, you can make sure that you can push all of your outstanding commits before discarding you current developer Eclipse installation.
  2. Start the Eclipse installer
  3. Select any product (e.g. Eclipse Product) and click next.
  4. Select the KIELER folder in the <User> directory and then click the red X in the tool bar.
  5. Now the old configuration is removed and you can close the installer
  6. Next follow the new instructions for the Oomph setup that are located in the wiki of the corresponding repository.

Created by Alexander Schulz-Rosengarten on 2022/01/25 16:32